Employee Lecture Program
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New Student Admissions are held EVERY SEMESTER
Employee Lecture Program organizers are
private colleges (PTS) below.
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Acceptance of New Student Candidates S1, D3, S2

Employee Lecture Program / Employee Class Program (Online Lectures)
Odd Semester 2024/2025
1. For the entire graduate SMA/SMK, D3/Polytechnic/Academy, D1, D2, S1, etc.; proceed to Bachelor (S1) or moved majors.
2. For the entire graduate SMA/SMK, D1, D2, D3, etc.; proceed to Diploma (D-III) or moved majors.
3. To all graduates S1 proceed to S2 Programs

New Student Registration Fee = IDR 100.000,-
Registration is open EVERY DAY: Monday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration can be directly on the campus private colleges (P2K Secretariat) or represented or can be via Post, Phone, Fax, mail, or via Internet or via Online Admission.

Registration schedules, requirements, how to registration, tuition, monthly installments, and the start of lectures for Odd Semester 2024/2025 in each of the colleges, Click Here.

Subsidized tuition fee some companies, but it also carried out cross-subsidies, making it affordable communities. To make it more affordable to the public, is also given tuition credit facilities without interest and without collateral so as to afford the monthly installments according to the ability of students.

In accordance with Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 on National Education System (SISDIKNAS) in Section 19 paragraph (2) that "Higher Education organized by the Open Systems". And Law-RI explanation is written: "Education is an open system of education held by flexibility of choice and completion time cross-unit programs and educational pathways (multi entry-multi exit system). Learners can learn by working, or take educational programs .... etc."

Also in accordance with Constitution 1945 that "Every citizen has the right to education". While there are some among the citizens of the community who have limited free time (especially employees). Also some people who have limited funds.

To meet these needs private colleges organizes Employee Lecture Program (Online Lectures) simultaneously implement SOCIAL COMMITMENT. That is, with provide an opportunity for the whole community of graduates SMA, SMK, D1, D2, D3, Polytechnic, S1, etc., both of which have limited free time and limited funds, to continue their education (or moving departments) to Bachelor level (S-1) or Diploma level (D-III) or Master level (S-2)in majors of interest, a viable and quality appropriate Excellence & Advantages of private colleges. . . . . lihat seluruhnya

Excellence Study in Private Colleges

The whole department / study program there is no state exam (similar to public universities)

b>Reliable in organizing Employee Lecture Program (Online Lectures), because has met two absolute requirements related to program implementation, namely :
  1. Implementation in accordance with the norms and rules of academic (in accordance with the legislation).
  2. Implementation in accordance with the demands of the workplace (curriculum, in college, class schedules, faculty, educational system, etc.).

Professors (lecturers) professionals in their field.

Basic competence Graduates Employee Lecture Program (Online Lectures) is to have the quality and integrity of intellectual; high competitiveness both academically and morally; able to adapt to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in addressing each issue, and was able to uncover the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion.

Graduates Employee Lecture Program (Online Lectures) are able to utilize information technology for the field of science; can apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled according to the field of science; can solve the problem logically, utilizing data / information available; can use the concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently in and effort; capable of actively-as well as in the working group. . . . . see all

Cost Study & Table Installment

The cost of education in Employee Lecture Program can afford the monthly installments.
In principle PTS organizers ECP/P2K belongs to the people who always put the quality of higher education.

However, private colleges as a leading university and Accredited still has SOCIAL COMMITMENT. Among others, to assist students in paying the cost of education by providing tuition credit facilities without interest, so that the monthly tuition fee can be paid in installments according to the ability of prospective students.

In addition, also provide scholarships to students who are truly less well off financially.

Below is a First Payment Total in each college. (To view the complete installment table each PTS, please click on the PTS name)

PTSTotal First Payment
(first SPb + first SPP + Jackets Civitas)
Fakultas Pertanian UMJ JakartaIDR. 1.050.000 proceed to S1 Agricultural
Universitas Yuppentek IndonesiIDR 950.000 to proceed to S1.
Universitas Tanri Abeng JakartIDR 1.400.000 to proceed to S1 Department Of Management & Communication Studies.
IDR 1.575.000 to proceed to S1 Department of Accounting, Business Administration & Architecture.
IDR 1.400.000 to proceed to S1 Department of Information Systems, Informatics Engineering & Civil Engineering.
STIE Widya Persada JakartaIDR 300.000 Regular Class Program for high school graduates to S1,
IDR 300.000 Regular Class Program for D3 to S1 graduates.
IDR 300.000 Regular Class Program for high school graduates to D3.
IDR 300.000 Night Class Program for high school graduates to S1.
IDR 300.000 Night Class Program for D3 to S1 graduates.
IDR 300.000 Night Class Program for high school graduates to D3.
IDR 300.000 Executive Class Program for high school graduates to S1.
IDR 300.000 Executive Class Program for D3 to S1 graduates.
IDR 300.000 Executive Class Program for high school graduates to D3.
UNTARA Tigaraksa Tangerang IDR 660,000 to proceed to S1 Night Class Faculty. Business Economics & Social Sciences .
IDR 760,000 to proceed to S1 Weekend Class Fac. Business Economics & Social Sciences .
IDR 760,000 to proceed to S1 Night Class Fac. Engineering .
IDR 810,000 to proceed to S1 Weekend Class Fac. Engineering .
UNTARA Cikokol TangerangIDR 360.000to proceed to S1 Department of Education. Biology, Physics, Indonesian Language and Literature, Mathematics, & PGPAUD.
IDR 660,000 to proceed to S1 Night Class Faculty. Business Economics & Social Sciences .
IDR 760,000 to proceed to S1 Weekend Class Fac. Business Economics & Social Sciences .
IDR 760,000 to proceed to S1 Night Class Fac. Engineering .
IDR 810,000 to proceed to S1 Weekend Class Fac. Engineering .
STIH Gunung Jati TangerangIDR. 700.000 to proceed to S1.
Magister Universitas Buddhi Dh
S2 STMIK Jakarta
FISIP UMJ JakartaIDR. 1.700.000 to proceed to S1
IDR. 2.150.000 to proceed to S1 Comunication Studies
IDR. 1.900.000 to proceed to S2 Master of Communication Science
IDR. 1.750.000 to proceed to S2 Master of Communication Science and Master in Political Science
Universitas Mitra BangsaIDR 525.000 to proceed to D3.
IDR 600.000 to proceed to S1.
IDR 675.000 to proceed to S1 Management Programs.
IDR 1.250.000 to proceed to S2.

MT ISTN JakartaIDR. 1.300.000 S1 to proceed to the Master Program Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Programs
IDR. 2.200.000 S1 to proceed to the Master Program Electrical Engineering
Fakultas Teknik UMJ

MIA FISIP UMJ JakartaIDR. 1.900.000 to proceed to S2 Master of Communication Science
IDR. 1.750.000 to proceed to S2 Master of Communication Science and Master of Political Science
. . . . see all
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Tags (tagged): jakarta, selatan, employee, lecture, program, online, lectures, pts, ptn, z, selamat, datang, jakarta selatan, lecture program, pts ptn, z selamat, jakarta selatan odd, semester 2024, 2025, for the entire, graduate sma, community, of graduates sma, smk d1, d2, d3 polytechnic s1, education in, lecture program can, afford the, proceed, to s1 night, class faculty, business, economics social, album, foto untara, cikokol, tangerang album foto
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